Unzipped Toronto

Bjarke Ingels’s Serpentine Pavilion Is now on a World Tour and the First Stop is Toronto

Design by Bjarke Ingels Group (BIG), a Copenhagen Architectural Firm also based in New York and London. A firm that has always designed and influenced unexplored territories by combining Art and Science to create the joyful human environment.

The Serpentine Pavilion was first introduced in Hyde Park, London in 2016, open to the public made of 1802 stacked extruded fiberglass frames; plus shaped aluminum profiles stacked on top of each other. Creating a solid structure with the oblique angles, like an interested moiré. Also Introduced in detail in the Netflix Docuseries, Abstract: The Art of Design

Toronto, Serpentine Pavilion

Toronto, Serpentine Pavilion

The Serpentine Pavilion, Under Construction

The Serpentine Pavilion, Under Construction

This Structure is now reborn in Toronto, ON and was opened to the public on September 15th. Based on the Original Design and measurements at 27m(88.5 ft.) long, 12m(39 ft.) wide, and 14(46 ft.) high.

It is a statement in our City of Toronto, to introduce the anticipated King Toronto Development building of Retail, Office, and Residential Complex design by the BIG Architectural Firm.

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Stay Tuned for Updates on This Amazing Development, yet to come.

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Home Renovation Series 1

Home Renovation Series Part 1

Renovations are an exciting time and experience for property owners. Properties that have been remodelled with high-quality materials, have an immediate interest and appeal, in any real estate market, . Doing the right renovations may add significant value, to your Real Estate Property.

Here is a little introduction to some popular materials and types of renovations, that homeowners, renovators, designers, and home flippers are choosing to enhance property appeal, and add economic value.

We will be releasing renovation blogs periodically, so stay tuned and subscribe for updates. 

 Part 1 of the Renovation Series

1. Bamboo Flooring 


Bamboo flooring has become increasingly more popular and is being used as an alternative to laminate and hardwood flooring. Modern floor engineering techniques allow Bamboo Wood to be formed into a wide variety of beautiful presentations. The Colour, Finish options, and durability are similar to traditional wood floors, however, Bamboo is much more environmentally friendly.

Bamboo is actually a rapidly growing grass, that is harvested every five to seven years, unlike hardwood species used for flooring, that maybe 50-100 years old, before saleable. This amazing plant regenerates itself without needing to be replanted, with minimal use of pesticides or fertilizers. Being on the fastest growing plants on Earth, it has been measured as growing as fast as 100cm in a 24-hour period. After being laminated into sheets and plants, it is finished into luxurious flooring. This quality of Bamboo flooring varies between manufacturers. The sturdiest products fulfill their claims as being three times (3x) harder than oak hardwood. 

At HomeLife, we strongly believe in the importance of initiatives to help the environment. Under H.E.L.P, HomeLife’s environmental leadership program, for every home we sell, we plant a tree.


2. Marble

Marble BackSplash

Marble BackSplash

Marble is a beautiful addition to any high-end renovation project. With its unique random appearance and natural veins adds warmth and elegance to your flooring, countertops, backsplash, etc. Marble Countertops has its inherent elegance, timelessness, and the ability to reflect light, definitely adds an element of dressiness to a kitchen. In many parts of Europe, the scratches, discoloring and wear marks found on stone countertops are considered signs of character and personality.

Marble may be susceptible to the acid found in many foods and can be tarnished easily by oil and chemical cleaning products. Therefore, it should receive the application of sealants and conditioning products. Marble This material has become a very popular item in Luxury Homes and is used widely by renovators and home flippers, because of its beauty and the economic value it provides to real estate.


Marble Countertop

3. Window Repair or Replacement


Windows are an important element to any real estate. Creating an inviting exterior, and a peek into the decor inside your home. Windows play an important role in Curb Appeal, Energy Efficiency in your home, and reducing outdoor noises. 

Investing in High-Quality windows can help insulate heat, keep moisture out, and drastically reduce heating costs. Double-pane or double-glazed windows have two layers of glass which help slow drafts and reduce leaks. This is an important upgrade for Canadians, as winter can be harsh on your home. Installing windows with higher panes (such as triple pane) are excellent at reducing noise, especially for Properties that are near busy streets or highways. A simple repair like sealing cracks can be more affordable and at the same time, improve efficiency. Modern finishings on your windows can create curb appeal and may increase the resale value of your property. 


4. Roofing Systems

Chimney Cap

When your fireplace is not in use, warm air inside your home is forced out through the chimney during the Cold weather. Chimney Caps are about saving Energy, and keeping the chimney air tight when it is not in use.

Traditionally shingles are made of various materials such as wood, slate, flagstone, metal, asphalt, plastic, stone, ceramic, etc. Energy efficient shingles are reflective in assorted colours, from popular slate finish to wood tines. These shingles reflect the suns radiation but also reemit the heat that may be absorbed by the roof. While you are replacing the roof shingles, it is also a good time to install low-maintenance gutters if they are misaligned, or causing gutter blocks. Installing curved hood gutters, are designed to be completely maintenance free. The design also allows rainwater to efficiently travel down the gutter while completely deflecting leaves, or large debris. This prevents clogs and gutter overflow from happening. 

Curved Roof Gutters

Curved Roof Gutters

ridge vents.jpg

Ridge Vents

The small vents, allowing air to prevents attic heat builup

This Concludes our Renovation Series 1, stay tuned for Part 2 of our Blog Series. 

Are you Buying your First Home?

 First Time Home Buyers Guide + Financial Tips

Buying your first home is an exciting time, and joy for many people. However, it can become an overwhelming experience for many individuals who want to purchase their first home. There are many factors to consider and to be aware of in the process of making the right decision. Here is a Simple Guide with tips and step by step process, that will assist you in the process of buying your home.



1. Financing and Qualification

It is important to fully consider your financial qualification before making the decision to buy a home. In today's economy, not many people are eligible to buy a home. They must be fully approved and qualified by many institutions before taking the first step in buying. If you are getting a mortgage, you must have some savings or down payment, and certain financial conditions met. You should also know, what price point or budget that you are comfortable spending on your home every month. Along with mortgage payments, there are also other costs to consider when owning a home, such as Property Taxes and Insurance prices in a specific geographic location, Utility and Hydro Costs, Hidden costs, moving costs, condo fees, repair and maintenance costs, etc. 

Mortgage Pre-Qualification

The Pre-approval process lets potential mortgage lenders look at your finances, to find out the maximum amount they may lend to you, and at what interest rate. This can also be an advantage when buying your home, in a competitive market, where everyone is bidding for a specific home. If you are buying all cash, obviously this step will not have to be considered so much. 

Credit Scores and Report

It is evident that most Canadians who are making a decision to buy a home, are already aware of their credit report and scores. Before shopping for a mortgage, knowing how well your score/report is, and the amount of outstanding loans, that you have is a wise decision. The risks of not having a good or excellent rated report may result in; Refusal of Mortgage Approval, Low Mortgage amount, High Interest Rates, a Co-signer may be Required, or you may have to pay a larger sum of a downpayment.



Where to Get a mortgage?

There are several sources for mortgages, such as Lenders, brokers, or private institutions. Mortgage lenders may include, Banks, Mortgage Companies, Insurance Companies, Trust Companies, Loan Companies, Credit Units, Caisses Populaires, etc. Mortgage Brokers on the other hand, arrange transactions by finding a lender for you, by having access to several lenders and a wide range of mortgage products. 

A potential Lender will look at your credit report, income, assets, proof of down payment and closing costs, liabilities, financial obligations, before approving you for a mortgage. Debts and Financial Obligation may include, Credit Card Balances and Limits, Car loans or Leases, Lines of Credits, child and spousal support amounts, student loans, etc. 

To Qualify, you will have to prove to lenders that you are able to afford the amount you are asking to borrow. Lenders and Brokers will use your financial information to calculate monthly housing costs and total debt load to determine what you are able afford. Some banks may require you to prove that you can afford payments at a qualifying interest rate which is typically higher than the actual rate in your contract. It is recommend to buy a home in a lower or affordable price range, save for a larger down payment, or reduce your debts, to be on the safer side. 

Questions to Ask when Shopping for a Mortgage:

Comparing the packages offered by each lender will assist you in choosing the right mortgage product. It is recommended to ask your mortgage brokers or financial institutions about: The interest Rate, Term, Amortization Period, Fees, Payment Options, Prepayment options, Interest saved, penalties if you sell before end of term, transferring mortgage amounts, etc. These points will help you consider the better package, along side the recommendations of the lender.


Government Assistance for First Time Buyers


Home Buyers Plan (HBP)

The Home Buyers' Plan (HBP) is a program that allows you to withdraw up to $25,000 in a calendar year from your registered retirement savings plans (RRSPs) to buy or build a qualifying home for yourself or for a related person with a disability.

  • Qualifying for the HBP – You must not have lived in a home owned by you or your spouse in the last 5 years. You must have entered into a written agreement to buy or build a home that you intend to occupy as your principal residence.

  • Repaying your RRSP – You have up to 15 years to repay the amount you borrowed from your RRSP. You must start to make repayments in the second year after the year in which you made your withdrawal(s). In general, you have to repay 1/15 of the total amount you withdrew each year. After 15 years, any amount you have not paid back to your RRSP will be taxed. You will owe this tax when you file your income tax return in the following year.

For More Information Click Below

Land Transfer Tax (LTT) Refund

You may receive a refund from the Ontario government of up to $4,000 of the land transfer tax you paid on your first home. Other provinces have similar programs. Here’s how it works:

  • You must be at least 18 years old.

  • You cannot have previously owned a home, or an interest in a home, anywhere in the world.

  • Your spouse cannot have owned a home, or an interest in a home anywhere while they were your spouse.

  • You may receive the refund at the time you register your home purchase. If not, you must apply for it no later than 18 months after the registration date.

For More Information Click Below

First-time Home Buyers’ Tax Credit (HBTC)

You or your spouse can claim this tax credit on your annual income taxreturn. The credit is based on an amount of $5,000. To calculate, multiply the lowest personal income tax rate for the year (15% in 2011 and 2012) by $5,000. For these years, the maximum credit is $750. Here’s how it works:

You or your spouse must have acquired a qualifying home acquired after January 27, 2009. You cannot have lived in another home owned by you or your spouse in the year you buy your first home – or in any of the 4 preceding years.

For More Information Click Below

Closing Costs!!!

Closing costs are mistakenly overlooked by many buyers in the market. Inexperienced buyers run into problems at closing if they have forgotten to consider closing costs in their budget or financial obligations when purchasing their home.

Here is a list of some closing costs that you must consider, before placing an offer on any home. Make sure, you are aware of these costs and have the savings for them. 

Before Closing: 

  • A Deposit must be paid (minimum 5%), usually within 24 hours after acceptance of Agreement of Purchase and Sale (Your Offer)

  • Property Aprraisal Costs. (sometimes it is done by lending company)

  • Home Inspection costs. (Paid to Home Inspector or Company)

During Closing

  • Legal Fees or Title Search/Insurance Fees to Lawyer

  • Balance of Purchase Price (after paying initial deposit, usually covered by lender)

  • A Property Survery Costs, if required

  • Mortgage Broker commission (if required)

  • Ontario Land Transfer Tax or Toronto Land Transfer Tax and Provincial Sales Tax

  • Property Tax Adjustment

  • HST (mostly added into agreement with New Constructon Homes or Condos)

  • Tarion Warranty Fees

  • CMHC Insurance Premium (charged if you have less than 20% down payment)

After Closing

  • Moving Expenses

  • Utility connection charges

  • Renovation or redecorating costs, Immediate repair and maintenance costs.

  • Furniture Costs, appliances, etc.


2. Time for House Hunting


At this point, you are knowledgeable and aware of how your finances are, and also may have been pre-approved for a mortgage. You may also have a team ready, that consists of a Real Estate Agent (brokerage), Lawyer, Mortgage Broker, Property Inspector, Designer, Renovator, etc. It is your chance to find the home you want. 

Finding the right home for you

There are many factors to consider, when choosing the right home for you. For instance, the Type of Home and Style, Exposure, Approximate Age, Approximate Square Footage, Property and Land Features/Influences, Building Amenities, Future Value etc. Look below for some factors, home owners consider, before choosing the right home.  

  • Type or Style: Condo Apartment, Condo Townhouse, Bachelor/Studio, Loft, Detached, Town/Row, Semi-Detached, Farm, Multiplex, trailer, vacant land, etc, 2 stories, bungalow, 3 stories, back split, side-split, custom home, etc.

  • Interior and Exterior Features: Bedrooms, washrooms, Outdoor Space, Appliances, Materials used, Flooring, Countertops, Basement features, paint,

  • Property Features/ Area Location Influences: Lake Access, Parks, Shopping Malls, Banks, Restaurants, Library, Arts Centre, Beach, Campground, Golf, Island, Fenced Yard, Rec. Community Centre, Clear View, School Boundaries, Bus Routes/ Public Transit, churches/religious centres, Doctors/Dentists, Hospital, GreenBelt/ conservation, wooded area, waterfront access, marina docking, power sources. etc.

  • Garage Type/ Parking: Parking Spot included, Underground, Visitor Parking, rented Parking, built-in, carport, etc.

  • Building Amenities (mostly condos have): Exercise Rooms, Gym, Indoor/Outdoor Pool, Party rooms, meeting rooms, Sauna, Recreational rooms, security system, Tennis court, visitor parking, Rooftop Deck/Garden Parking Spaces, , Property Features and Influences, Building Amenities, Heating and Air Conditioning, Allowance of Pets, etc.

  • Other Structures: Barn, Garden Shed, Green House, Workshop, farming and agricultural structures, water supply types, boathouse etc.

A Real Estate Agent (Brokerage) will help you narrow down your search for the right home and will assist you with your decision. Since almost every listing is digital now, Agents can now send out customized listings to buyers, based on their criteria. Buyers also may visit many open houses, held by listing agents. HomeLife Miracle Realty is a Platinum Developer Approved Brokerage, who has access to the newest Developments in Ontario. Therefore, you may also choose to book a brand new home, pre-construction.  

Choosing the right home can be a very emotional decision. Sometimes having the right feelings, when stepping inside the home, is enough for you to make a decision. It does not necessarily have to be a complete rational analysis, of what you want, in your home. 


3. Making an Offer & Closing the Deal

submitting an offer

The Offer Process is when you have chosen the home you want or need. The Agreement of Purchase and Sale is an important document that a Realtor will assist you in filling out. This will include Price you want to Pay, ideal closing date (possession date), inclusions you want, lawyer info, and mortgage conditions. 

Once you have submitted your offer, the seller can accept it, reject it or give a counter offer. There are certain conditions that you have to meet for an offer to be firm, such as financing conditions, home inspection, letting a lawyer to review legal details of the property, and an initial deposit. During these back-and-forth negotiations, you may have to compromise on some things, but the realtor will do its best to protect your interests, work hard to get what you need with negotiating. Once the conditions have been met, all you have to do is wait for the closing date to receive your keys, and start packing for your new place. 

Closing the Deal

Ownership and the property will be transferred to you, once the legal and financial obligations have been settled. Your lawyer and lender will be involved in the closing process and closing costs.

We hope that this Blog Post has enlightened you on the step by step process of purchasing a Home. We encourage you to seek out and ask our team more questions, and receive assistance.

Please Click the Button Below for more Help. Thank You.  

Our Top 5 Favourite Cottage Destinations

Ontario is home to beautiful natural settings all across the province. The Peace and Serenity that lies in Ontario is, yours to Discover.  Here is a list of our favourite cities and towns in the Province of Ontario, that offer desirable Cottage living spaces and a great place to invest. Many retirees, or individuals looking to own season income producing properties have heavily invested in these regions. 

1. Muskoka, ON

A popular cottaging destination extending to Georgian Bay in the west, and Algonquin in the East, including over 1600 individual lakes and ponds, surrounded by great cottage properties. Activities such as canoeingsailingwindsurfingkayakingwaterskiing, make Muskoka a memorable place. Even Hollywood and Sports has made it to this town with people like Tom Hanks, Steven Spielberg,  Mike Weir, Cindy Crawford, and Martin Short, who are owners of the Great Muskoka Real Estate. National Geographic Magazine had also once named this city for its Best Trips. With millions of visitors every year, for Real Estate investing and renting this city is very popular 


2. Niagara on the Lake

Niagara on the Lake draws tourists all across Ontario and the world, from its close proximity to Niagara Falls, and relatively short drive to Toronto. It has great museums, wineries, and restaurant, with great cottage rentals in this historical town. According to the Comfort Life publication, Niagara on the Lake, has been rated as a desirable place to retire in Ontario. 



Home to great Wineries


3. Parry Sound, ON

A Wonderful town in Ontario, located on the eastern shore of Georgian Bay on Lake Huron. Known for one of the deepest natural fresh water ports and highly unique shaped deep bays and islands. Popular for its cottages, and many business accommodations such as hotels, resorts, campgrounds, kayaking, canoeing, and ATV tours. Makes a great place to invest in Recreation properties. 


4. Kawartha Lakes

A Municipality about an hour and a half from Toronto located in Central Ontario offers you bright waters and happy lands, with its interconnected rivers, lakes and streams. It has 375-square-kilometre (145 Sq. mi) area of preserved wilderness and recreational areas. The city offers many recreational real estate properties. 


Kawartha Lakes

Canoe/ Boat access on Cottage Property



5. Halliburton, ON

Haliburton has become increasingly popular for real estate, as the home or recreation real estate prices are not as high as the Muskoka regions, however the town provide you the same level of adventure, comfort, and numerous tranquil areas to "chill out". The county offers great food & Drinks, arts & Culture, and outdoor adventures. Promoting a strong foundation in healthy, active lifestyles, natural resources, and rich experiences, with activities like Mountain Biking, hiking, golf, mineral exploration, sculpture forests, ATV tours, and winter activities. 


Voyage (Sculpture Forest)

Limestone Sculpture carved in the sculpture forest, representing the Canoe. A piece of heritage, and indigenous people.

by artist Mary Ellen Farrow


GTA Eco-Friendly Homes and Finishes

The Toronto Real Estate Market as we know has been booming and developing the city skyline for the last two decades, and continues to, as of today. Although, there are many new developments and projects that built our cities infrastructure, we focus on the Architectural Innovation in the development of Real Estate. For Instance, Architectural finishes, the design elements of a home, the eco-friendly architecture, and materials used to complete the developments have, become an important factor in home construction. 

Engineered Flooring, Custom Kitchen Cabinetry, Stone Counters, Custom vanities, and fixtures have become one of the basic finishes that developers include with their new home homes, due to the high use of these materials, and demand by home owners. Eco-friendly homes now contain, the use of advanced insulation in Heating Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC), Cool Roofs, low flow or dual toilets, Energy Efficient Low Egress Windows, Energy efficient appliances, low/zero Volatile Organic Compounds paints and finishes, etc. 

Custom Engineered Flooring

Custom Engineered Flooring